
Showing posts from June, 2014


If these are the models for personal reflection, I think I am a mixture. Swierczek, F. & Hirsch, G. on Joint ventures in Asia and  multicultural management, in National Culture and International Management in East Asia. Swierczek, F. & Hirsch, G. on Joint ventures in Asia and  multicultural management, in National Culture and International Management in East Asia.

3Cs and 2As to note

Jerry Julian on Facilitating Project Performance Improvement, p 63

Making Values a daily course

  “ Grade 3 ka na?” “Kung Grade 3 ka na, kanina pa nagsimula ang klase .” Lex's classmates met him at a classroom’s doorway. He was overwhelmed in shyness that he cannot respond to any of them. What amused me most were the cynical queries raised by these children, as if they did not march together in a closing ceremony few months ago. Unlike in Grade 2 when children attended school half a day, he will devote more hours in school this year. Posted on the left side of the doorway was a paper signed by the school head. It details schedule of subjects and their respective teachers. Values. First subject and it’s a daily course.  I immediately felt the desire of the institution to mould children become good persons; to nurture them become better decision-makers; or, to capacitate them distinguish good against bad deeds from the moralist purview. Great! The subject should not be considered as mere supplemental course in classroom instruction or in a spiri

Home with God in this Father's day

[Behind father Ben's old photo was a poem  addressed to my mother. ] Be with me always Take any form. Drive me mad if you will. Only please, don't leave me Alone in this dark Where I can't find you, I can't live without you, I cannot die. I was in a kitchen, in a conversation with a colleague, when the latter reminded me of an instance when a friend was disheartened that she  wasn't  informed of the reason why I returned home.  This was many years ago. I received a call asking me to return home; to go directly to a hospital. No, to a morgue. I said, I was sorry that she  wasn't  informed. Touching the laptop’s keys in razed for a deadline, I related, I  didn't  even had the moment to grieve my heart out. When my colleague left for an errand outside, my mind recoiled on those cold bare feet, the only part of his body visible to me from the seats of a funeral parlor where he was cleansed and readied for his coffin. He died of myocard

Five Important Lessons Learned from Maleficent Movie

Photo sourced from The story, for me,  isn't  just a fairy tale of a sleeping beauty cursed to sleep forever. It is a mirror for us to reflect in this lifetime. Here are the five major lessons I learned from watching the movie.      1. The need to protect the forest from destruction and human greed . Angelina Jolie, a winged-fairy who recently represents an international campaign on stopping violence against women in conflict regions, embarked in a symbolic fairytale movie to remind viewers about the relation of human populace and the need to protect the remaining virgin forest reserves of all countries. Wanton logging and mining of minerals in forested areas and waters contributed to the depletion of our natural resources and of the ensuing ecological destruction wrought by corporate greed. [1]  Whence a child, in the story, Maleficent asked the little vicious prince to return the gem stone which she thereafter threw back to the pond.      2

Convinced, ah, not convinced

The quality of interaction will depend on the nature of communication and the principles used in articulating an idea, an agenda, or a subject for discussion. Communication should be constantly affirmed as vital in the performance of duty or in the completion of a task. Know when a matter require informal or formal letter and/or medium of discussion. Many significant matters ended in an inconsequential result because there are those who presumed that everything is understood, process are already fully articulated, and all matters are taken up. Everything is in a continuum of possibility. All the more that communication is essential within this range. Realize that common sense is different from telepathy; presumption is antonym of accuracy.