
Showing posts from September, 2016


Slide doors are like gateway to a mini-forest view which hide the entire resort's quietude against the noise of city life. View from the porch showed another sliding door connecting the veranda to a bedroom concealed by thick layers of curtains to dissociate temporal residents from external verdant panorama. Comfort and shower room are furnished well of toiletry except for toothbrush which you need to request/buy from the concierge. Outside, the homey cottage is a perspective of combined modern and traditional structure fitted to natural forest landscape. Here, crickets thrived and sang its hymn in choral at night oblivious of the contradiction of issues Filipinos are madly affronted of.  How relevant is this to a restless life? Its significant for those sensitive to insects' existence. Some natives said that crickets thrive in cool or temperate quiet places that will resonate their safety. Their silence means its diapause or their adverse expression t