Top 10 Priorities in Bangsamoro Transition (from ARMM to BARMM)

1. Enact priority measures mandated by the Bangsamoro law such as Electoral Code, Civil Service Code, Administrative Code, and other relevant policy including rules of proceedings;
2. Review and integrate the Bangsamoro Development Plan, the Regional Development Plan of ARMM, the Camp Transformation Plan, and other Bangsamoro plans to make them responsive to the current needs.
3. Study and design the appropriate bureaucracy for the Bangsamoro Government to ensure the right balance between the size of the bureaucracy and the services that need to be delivered as well as the appropriate skills required of people in the bureaucracy;
4. Set up program that will respond to the pressing social and economic challenges in the Bangsamoro such as poverty, education, health, access to clean water and electricity, job opportunity, agriculture productivity, and access to capital market. These must be complemented with responsive strategic infrastructure in the region such as ports, road network, flood control, and logistics and communication facilities.
5. Special programs for transitioning combatants and their families apart from regular programs of the government like 4Ps, PhilHealth, among others to ensure that these programs are tailored fit to their needs so that they will become productive members of the society;
6. Rehabilitation and reconstruction of Marawi. Marawi must be quickly rehabilitated and reconstructed as every delay is an opportunity for violent extremism to use it for propaganda and recruitment. Besides, immediate rehabilitation is both a right and just thing to do.
7. Develop policy environment on transparency, accountability, and prudent fiscal policy as well as improvement in revenue generation.
8. Energy development and power generation improvement to support the development of industries that will generate jobs and opportunities.
9. Enhance security by maximizing the utilization of available legitimate forces on the ground and leveraging on the network of the MILF in the Bangsamoro communities by deploying such joint forces such as the JPSTs (Joint Peace and Security Teams); and
10. Ensure a productive partnership between the Bangsamoro government and development partners as well as the national government implementation of programs to maximize results.

(Source: Collated from various reports and shared during the 2nd Civil Society Dialogue on Bangsamoro Transition | March 22-23 2019 | Em Manor Hotel, Cotabato City, Mindanao, Philippines organized by IID in partnership with Delacse 2 of IAG & EU)

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